Military Veterans


By the time the Richardson High School class of 1969 crossed the stage at Commencement, the Viet Nam conflict was in full force, and most "boys" in the class had already registered with Selective Service.  At least twenty-nine men and at least one woman from our class served in the military. We have created a page for each veteran to honor their service, and we hope to receive more information on each of them and on any other veterans whom we haven't identified. This is a work in progress, and we welcome your input.

 Bruce Anderson

 Bryan Beuret

Jack Christy

John Cowley

Bill Cox

Bob Curry

Dan Dickson

Richard Dillon

Ron Forrest

David Frazier

Terry Granade

Steve Healy

John Hoffpauer

Bob Humfleet

Bob Leach

Jody McHaney

David Mitchell

Gary McNeese

Martha Mize Mareth

Greg Morse

Tom Newell

Eddie Norman

Rick Owen

Roger Peery

Don Ramsay

Jim Richmond

Hugh Rogers

Randale Rushing

Henry Shedd

Mike Streetman

Daryl Summers

Gary Sumner