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The Message Forum is an ongoing dialogue among classmates. The goal is to encourage friendly interaction, including interaction among classmates who really didn't know each other. Experience on the site has revealed that certain topics tend to cause friction and hard feelings, especially politics and religion. 

Although politics and religion are not completely off-limits, classmates are asked to be positive in their posts and not to be too repetitive or allow a dialog to degenerate into an argument. 

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07/25/24 03:36 PM #31172    

Jan Alexander

By the way , if we are talking boundaries and not crossing the line,  Jim B , that was a very insensitive post about Biden.  

Poor old man , he is struggling with his health and age. He reminds me of my parents as they withered away.. So yes, that was a sad ,unempathetic , unpleasant post , if you ask me.   #31171    not Ha , ha ...nor  Yee - Haw

You might need to read, #31165 again.


07/25/24 03:59 PM #31173    


Janalu Jeanes (Parchman)

I just had a flash of a memory as I was thinking about going to the swimming pool on Arapaho, when I was in the fifth and sixth grades.  I would ride my bike up to the park, then ride across the park grounds to the little wooden bridge that crossed the creek to get to the pool.  Other friends and neighbors were riding along with me.  We would swim for a while then before riding back, we would go to the candy bar machine to get candy, because we were famished from exercising and chasing around.  I would always get the ZERO candy bar, since I thought it was delicious, and because it was covered in white chocolate fudge.  Do you remember ZERO bars?  Or do you remember STRIPE chewing gum?

Why these things pop up in my mind is a mystery to me, but they are kinda fun to think about after all of these years.  Good times from the '60s!

07/25/24 04:41 PM #31174    


Tommy Thomas


Read David's post from 8:42am this morning about the demeanor of those who post here. Why do you continue to post things that cause friction among our classmates? And now you make fun of someone with dementia? I'm at a loss to understand why David allows these kinds of posts from you stay on the class Forum. They are tasteless and upsetting.

07/25/24 04:42 PM #31175    


Tommy Thomas


I remember ZERO candy bars but they were not my favorite. Milky Ways were my absolute favorite.

I haven't thought about STRIPE gum for years. Loved it!

07/25/24 05:26 PM #31176    


Wayne Gary

I heard Southwest Airlines is going to assigned seating.  In 1982 I am glad they had open seating.  While waiting to board I met a woman that intreaged me.  I boarded first and took a seat.  She boaeded and took a seat in the first row.  I moved to be by her.  Before the flight was over we exchanged cards.  I called her several times before she agreeded to go on a date.  Boy am I glad because a year we got married.  It was great until she passed away 10 jears later. With assigned seating we probaly would not have gotten married.

07/25/24 08:58 PM #31177    

Jim Bedwell


I have ZERO sympathy for congenital liar, plagiarist & quintessentially evil career politician Biden, who sold out his country to that country's mortal enemies in his criminal-family influence-peddling felonies, sometimes with our tax money as leverage as in Ukraine, and he should have been prosecuted and sent to prison long ago. He was always stupid, immoral, completely uncaring about others' plights (that he often caused - e.g., 13 Gold Star Afghanistan-withdrawal-debacle families), and now he's severely demented, the worst President ever by far, with more blood on his hands than any other President.

07/25/24 10:52 PM #31178    


David Cordell


Yeah, I think the shortest par 4 was 299, which DeChambeau drove with a 3 wood. But 22 under par equates to 14 birdies and 4 eagles. Not too shabby.

By the way, you said, "Both those guys could match that with no problem...No mention of that either."

Geez, dude, raising $220,000 for charity isn't good enough for you? By the way, I think the money comes from DeChambeau.

07/26/24 03:41 AM #31179    

Jim Bedwell


Like your post 31162 with the guy in the video denigrating all things MAGA/Trump is OK, but mine aren't? in the spirit of what David put at the top of the page, IMHO that post of yours is FAR worse than my Biden Walmart greeter. You think your 31162 post is "hilarious" as you describe it whereas I think my posting is hilarious. The difference between us is that I don't object to your posts but you do to mine (and others') - I wouldn't have even mentioned your post 31162 1) if you hadn't brought mine up, and 2) except for the hope that you might wise up to your hypocrisy. You can always ignore my stuff just like I almost always ignore yours (and you). Finally, as David has told you repeatedly, you continue to have SO MANY problems with the site here and David's administration of it and also with what others are posting, why don't you just restrict your activity to your own website; that would probably be best for all concerned. I have similarly restricted my own posting to this site and I will never again (that's guaranteed) even bother looking at yours.

07/26/24 06:01 AM #31180    


Tommy Thomas


Suggesting that I not post here is personally offensive to me. Such an exclusionary assertion should be repugnant to all our classmates. I don't want you to cease posting or be defensive about your posts. I want all of our classmates to feel welcome especially now that David's site is being used for our 55th Reunuon. But I would like for your posts to stop being offensive, aggressive, and tasteless. Try behaving in a more civilized and friendly manner. You just might find you get what you need.

07/26/24 07:30 AM #31181    

Jan Alexander

To all,  Good Morning !  May you find your way this day... ! laugh

AND Happy Birthday , Bob D. 

07/26/24 08:18 AM #31182    


Lawrence (Lance) Cantor




Chuckie said:  “So now that the process has played out from the grassroots, bottom-up, ($125M in 8 days...thank you Soros!) we are here today to throw our support behind Vice President Kamala Harris!” he said, breaking into applause by himself at the microphone.


“I’m clapping, you don’t have to,” 

“It’s a happy day, what can I say?”


07/26/24 08:21 AM #31183    


Lawrence (Lance) Cantor



Mick, Tommy, and Jimbo....keep on twerkin'!


U2...Bob, the birthday boy!



07/26/24 11:37 AM #31184    


Lawrence (Lance) Cantor



It's commonly said that “there are two guarantees in life: death and taxes”,                      Benjamin Franklin 1789



Jim, et al,

Well Jimbo, those 2 are truthful certainties…but with some awkward strings attached.


If living under corruption, we may choose in disobedience not to render to Caesar what is his…and face prison as a consequence.   


Worse still, if we choose in disobedience not to render unto God His Commandments, then we are guaranteed death…eternal death with the wicked!


Being fortunate to be living in this generation…above all generations… we as Born-Again Christrians have the privilege to walk our talk to this decaying world…that is soon guaranteed to be judged and damned to Hell.


This term refers to Jesus's prophecy in the New Testament (Matthew 25:32) that the sheep (that is, the compassionate), will sit on God's right hand (and find salvation).

 And the goats (the hard-hearted), will sit on the left (and be sent to damnation).



Sadly Jim (et al),  in your hard-heartedness against those here, are actively guaranteeing your forfeit of God’s relational blessings of Heaven…while forfeiting any harmonious community here.


Short of a miracle…that’s guaranteed!






07/26/24 12:17 PM #31185    

Jim Bedwell


The truth sometimes hurts, doesn't it?


A person truly born again cannot lose his salvation; God doesn't make mistakes. "And a person's enemies will be those of his own household" Matthew 10:36 (ESV).

07/26/24 12:22 PM #31186    


Marty Fulton

Re:  posts 30985 & 30990 - Tommy, I do owe you an apology for my alcohol-induced comment on July 15th.

Jan was observant that it was an emotional and irrational statement that I would not normally have made.

Re: post 31127 - I see that I have been hoisted into the Punography Top-10 Most Wanted list.  AW - SHUCKS.

I could not find your post that included a great-big-long-ole-sentence with fancy words which caused me to break out my Websters' to decipher.  Y'know - longer than a Lowells' entire post.

I do agree, basically, with your take on age restrictions for law-makers.  Check it out.  Most privately owned companies 'encourage' retirement around age 55.  By age 60, they usually offer a retirement package too good to refuse.  For those who are contributing enough to the company at age 65, my congrats.  One of my former girlfriends worked at Exxon (Houston area).  She was a manager - over maybe 15 or 20 employees - and her father was the Big-Shot who was in charge of the Refineries east of Downtown.  He retired at 60 or 65, but 'counsulted' weekly into his 80's.  Not sure if he was compensated for his consultations (probably not).   The point is - not age but competency that matters.  p.s. - the father (George Crist) lived in an ordinary 3-2-2 house in Clear Lake, TX, and drove a late-model Buick.  Total Class.  And he was a decent golfer who insisted on walking the course, usually every day.

07/26/24 02:00 PM #31187    

Jan Alexander

Marty , my dear... One thing to know, we have all been in your shoes...  and also ONE doesn't even have to even be inebriated to get hot under the collar... It has happened to the best of us , especially when it comes to POLITICS! BUT , it doesn't hurt to try to be calm and polite.... laugh.... 

Here is an example of how we feel sometimes.......


07/26/24 02:55 PM #31188    


Tommy Thomas

Hi, Marty,

Thanks for that apology. I accept it. 

Now let me also say that, if I were to go back into posts, I am positive that I would find messages directed toward you for which I owe you an apology. So, for all that has gone on before that is inappropriate, I do apologize to you.

Why don't we now move forward with a clean slate? I was pleased that you had bought two tickets to the Punography Film Festival back in 2019 and then disappointed when you were not able to attend. I wish you had been there.

Oh, and I removed you from the Punography Top Ten Most Wanted List. You are now only number 17. 😀

07/26/24 03:41 PM #31189    

Gil Ohlen

Trump is a self proclamed Victim & Victims are not Leaders.He will fade away...

07/26/24 04:50 PM #31190    

Jim Bedwell

Now we're hearing from the corrupt legacy media that Kamala is misunderstood - she's really a moderate!?!?!?!?! Made my weekend with all my belly laughing on that!


That's like saying I'm not on the Top Ten Wanted List; bet I'm numero uno! YEE HAW!!!

07/26/24 05:21 PM #31191    


Tommy Thomas


Thanks for taking my advice and toning down the anger. I appreciate and I am sure all David's Forum readers do too.

07/26/24 09:20 PM #31192    

Jim Bedwell

First we heard that the border was secure and no problem.

Then we heard that there was a border problem but the Republicans were blocking legislation to solve it.

Now we hear that Kamala didn't have anything to do with the border (ironically this 1st part is actually true due to her malfeasance) & wasn't the "border czar" like Republicans are now saying.

Too bad that on May 24, 2023 (so 2 years later), the Congressional Record said that "On May 24, 2021 when President Biden made Kamala Harris the BORDER CZAR..................."

See a pattern here? As in LIE, LIE, LIE?

07/26/24 09:31 PM #31193    

Jim Bedwell


Trump is a literal shooting victim and if he hadn't turned his head to the right and then cocked it to the left, he would today be a literal homicide victim.

Gandhi was definitely a leader in India and also a literal homicide victim. Dr. Martin Luther King was a great leader and a literal homicide victim (and martyr in my opinion). RFK Sr. was also a leader and a literal homicide victim. Republican Congressman Steve Scalise was a literal shooting victim, almost losing his life, and has been a leading Republican for years.

07/26/24 09:55 PM #31194    


Ron Knight

I have tried to stay out of ALL political and religious debates and confrontations on this site. BUT, I am compelled to express my deepest true opinions of this upcoming election. Those of you closest to me know that my own attorney daughter in Atlanta, GA is a firm Left Winger. I know Tommy you know that as you have engaged communications with her. And I have encoraged that. I sent her a recent email asking her that if Kamala Harris is confirmed who would she speculate as the VP to Harris. To this date I have not heard a word.

My daughter, as I ,can be very calculated in any response on such a subject. I love that about my daughter. I feel I have taught her well. However, there are issues that the Democrats are trying now to cover. The issue that Kamala Harris was NEVER the "Border Czar" may have some truth but ONLY by semantics. In March of 2021 Joe Biden asked her to be taking care of all issues concerning the southern borders. She actually went to El Paso and was interviewed as quote being in charge of the border. She did not deny that. 11.5 M have illegally crossed our borders since Joe Biden came in power. Kamala is COMPLETELY tied at the hip with Biden on that.

I ask all of our hard leftist do they believe that Kamala Harris will be an effective leader in Foreign Policy?  It seems to me it started rather badly not showing up for Benjamin Netanyahu's Congressional address. And leaving the Prime Minister with a very uneasy feeling that she may even be backing Palestine, which would ALSO mean backing HAMAS!!! 

I applaud Senators Cruz, Hawley and Kennedy for their constant defense of our democratic freedoms and calling out radicals like Kamala Harris,who by the way is even more left than Bernie Sanders!! 

I am sorry to Tommy, Jan, Sandra and Hollis to feel so impelled to post this. However, I love this country and I want to save us from a take over from countrys like China, Russia, etc... We are the weakest currently we have ever been since President Jimmy Carter. The world is taking notice. WE need strength in the Whitehouse. Not some far left liberal from San Francisco.

Regards to all and no slam against any of you. I am a Patriot and love this country and want the best for all.

07/26/24 10:56 PM #31195    


Ron Knight

And another thing that infuriates me is DEI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would suggest that DEI is fine IF you add one more letter - Q!!! being QUALIFIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. A prime example is Kim Cheatle former head of the Secret Service. What a disgrace  to America. Not only the Republicans, BUT also the Democrats grilled her. Have you ever seen such a clueless person derelect of her duty?

07/27/24 12:02 AM #31196    


Janalu Jeanes (Parchman)


I think the Republicans who read your posts above, are in complete agreement.

The bottom line is that we GENUINELY HOPE AND PRAY that we can still, possibly save our country from the headwinds we know are coming our way, but with a leader like Bernie Sanders in a skirt, we will not be able to survive, most likely; will not survive to have the country we have now.  We might survive with a completely changed and controlled country, as in the way the Russian and Chinese people are controlled, but we will not have the freedoms we now have.  Many fine minds of scholars, have said the same.

I have a daughter much like yours, but she is maybe a little less of a lefty.  She frustrates me, mainly because I can't get through to her that the freedoms she now enjoys, and the comforts she now enjoys, will be changed, if a Socialist/Marxist leader takes over.  She is HEAVILY influenced by her fellow associates at work, and is stubborn, as she has always been, in not wanting to listen to her parents, who she considers, "old fashioned, and not WOKE enough, and not 'with it enough.' "

I constantly worry about her and her child.  My son is a total opposite of her.  I don't worry about him.  I've told him that I think at some juncture, he will probably have to help her in her life.

To me, it seems like she is kind of bohemian in her thought processes.  She just lives to be happy and enjoy whatever comes......which is okay, to a point.  But there are forces at work in the world that take advantage of those who are glib and unaware, in my opinion.  I think it's important to be mindful of what's going on at all times.  At some point we all must grow up.  We must take responsibility and direct our responsibilities toward what is best for our country, and what we want our country to have as its principles.  Otherwise, we will lose it (the country.)   And......we lose freedom.  With Socialism & Marxism, those in control want you/us to take what is given BY THEM, with no opposition allowed, and what is dished out, is dished out to everyone equally and with a mediocre quality, or less.   Individualism goes in the dust pan.  Freedom of choices in life go extinct.  Religions also generally go extinct, since they are considered unimportant and too competitive in their tenets' directives, with the goals of the elites/controllers, the goals they dish out to us as they marvel at how malleable we are.

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