Prayer List

At the urging of classmate Steve Keene, this website has established a prayer list. 

Click here for the current prayer list.

If you would appreciate prayers from classmates on behalf of yourself or someone else of concern to you, please send the following information to with subject line "Prayer Request."

  • Your name
  • Requested initial posting date
  • Anticipated time frame to remain posted, if any
  • Name of person/group being prayed for
  • Condition/situation that merits prayer, e.g. surgery, disease, finances, loss of loved one, etc. Try to limit yourself to 25 words that can be posted as-is, but your words may be edited.
  • Other provisions:
    • We cannot violate anyone's privacy so we won't list any information that can identify the subject of the prayer request unless you have specific approval from that person. Otherwise, we will only publish first names of subjects.
    • Generalized prayers, e.g. "for all those suffering from COVID-19", are acceptable, but should not be duplicated.
    • This is a work in progress, so anticipate changes.

Thanks to Steve Keene for the following general prayer:

Our Loving Creator,

As members of the Richardson High School Class of 1969, we lift up to You in prayer our fellow classmates and others listed below.  We know that You have said the prayers of the righteous avail much.  You have also shown us that reminding You of Your promises in prayer lays the groundwork for Your intercession in the affairs of humankind.  We ask You to bless each person listed on our prayer list and heal their physical and psychological infirmities, comfort them in their grief, and bless them with an improvement in their circumstances, and if their situations cannot be improved, we ask that You give them comfort and acceptance. In all things we ask that Your will be done.

We offer our prayers in all the Holy names of God.

Members of the RHS Class of 1969