50th Preunion, May 18, 2018
The RHS Class of 1969 50th Preunion Was A Smashing Success!
By Tommy Thomas
The RHS Class of 1969 50th Preunion, held at the Fox & Hound in Richardson on May 18, 2018, drew an eclectic crowd of RHS 1969 graduates, spouses, friends, and progeny. Billed as the warm up for the main event of the 50th Reunion in 2019, the Preunion delivered in its promises of great entertainment, conversation, and companionship. In fact, it was so successful that we are thinking of cancelling the 50th Reunion.
The Main Course
The main course of the evening was a Tribute to Texas Song Writers by our own classmate Ron Knight. From his days at RHS, Ron hobnobbed with the great Texas song writers of our generation. Why? Because he is one of them. Now, even if you didn’t attend in person, you can click here to to enjoy Ron’s performance of his original songs and Texas standards, through the magic of, as Robert Siegel puts it, filmed entertainment courtesy of YouTube.
What a crowd!
First, very special thanks go to Peggy Moore, classmate Tommy Knudson’s widow, who spent many hours getting the venue ready and taking in RSVPs. She and husband Kimber had a great time with us and we hope they will return to more RHS Class of 1969 events in the future.
We were excited when Peggy told us that a “Cordell” had RSVPed positively for attendance. Our excitement abated when we saw David enter the room instead of Martha. Oh, well. (Just kidding, David, but why wasn’t Martha with you?)
And then there was a 10-year-old elementary school student named Christopher Cantor who we were excited to see – we had not seen him since he was a 6-year-old at the 45thReunion where he played in and won the golf tournament and sang old Sinatra standards at the Main Event. Of course, he had to bring his elderly dad Lance with him as well so that cramped his style a bit. But that’s OK – without Lance, we couldn’t have Christopher so that’s a trade-off I can put up with easily!
OK. All seriousness aside, here are all of the attendees in alphabetical order by last name.<
- Jan Alexander
- Karin (Ridenour) Anderson and husband Gary
- Lance Cantor and 10-year-old very patient and talented son Christopher Cantor
- Guy Connelly
- David Cordell
- Don Dunlap (friend from the Castilian at UT)
- Karlan “Karley” Fairchild (and wife the memorable Linda Fairchild)
- Wayne Gary
- Royce Herndon
- Phil Huber
- Steve Keene
- Ron Knight
- Jerry May (we missed his wife Ellen who couldn’t make it!)
- Glenn Messmer (skilled roadie without whose help Ron would have been in trouble)
- Peggy Moore and husband Kimber
- Jim Mulvihill
- Faye (Mallow) Price
- Sandra (Spieker) Ringo and husband Danny
- Susie (Shannon) Rudd and Navy husband Jerry
- Pam Scnich
- Tommy Thomas and main squeeze rock n’ roll icon Elinor Stephens
- Dean Weidman .
If you are aware of anyone who attended whom we have not listed here, please contact us and let us know so that we can include them.
Many people contributed photos from the Preunion. Phil Huber, who is one of the founding directors of Punography Ltd. and an administrator of this site, took lots of photos. They are below. Check back often as we get more photos posted! And did I mention that the RHS Class of 1969 50th Preunion was free?
May 18 Preunion Photos: RHS '69 Graduates
All rights belong to RHS Class of 1969
Photo Gallery |Friday Night at Fox and Hound, featuring classmate Ron Knight
22 pictures. ID's in order left to right and top to bottom.
1- Ron Knight singing
2- Danny Ringo (Sandra’s husband), Elinor (Tommy’s girlfriend) Gary Anderson, Karin Ridenour Anderson, Jim Mulvihill, Peggy Moore, Jerry May, Don Dunlap, Wayne Gary
3- Lance Cantor, Jan Alexander, Kimber Moore, Tommy Thomas, Jerry May, Sandra Spieker Ringo, Don Dunlap, David Cordell
4- Chris Cantor, Gary Anderson, Karlan Fairchild, Tommy and Elinor, Glenn Messmer, Sandra behind Danny, Jerry May, Jim Mulvihill, Royce Herndon, Peggy Moore, Ron Knight
5- Ron, Glenn, Susie Shannon Rudd, Jerry Rudd
6- Royce Herndon, Linda and Karlan Fairchild
7-Sandra Spieker, Jan Alexander, Christopher Cantor and Lance
8- Wayne Gary, Steve Keene, Tommy
9- Glenn Messmer, Elinor
10- Fairchilds, Royce, Jan A, Lance
11- David C., Susie and Jerry
12- In front Jim Mulvihill, Lance and Chris, Danny Ringo, Glenn Messmer, in back Wayne Gary, Tommy
13- Peggy Moore, Pam Sninch, Dean Weidman
14- Jerry, Danny, Glenn
15- Glenn, Elinor, Gary and Karin Anderson, Chris Cantor facing them
16- Ron framed by Jerry and the Ringo’s
17- Ron, Tommy, Sandra
18- Jan A., Steve
19- Don Dunlap, Royce, Steve, Ron, Tommy, lance, David
20- Ron framed by Jerry and Danny
21- Ron
22- Chris & Lance, Gary & Karin, Tommy, Danny, Jerry Rudd, Fairchilds, Jim M., Wayne, Jerry, Steve, Royce