UT B. Arch, 1978; Naval Postgraduate School, MS, 1991
Military Service
U.S. Navy, 12 years, LT, Naval Facilities Engineering Command
What have you been up to since you graduated?
Retired from Monterey Bay Aquarium (18 years), Monterey, CA.
Following grandchildren around the country, Wash DC, FL, etc.
Currently Special Education IA at Leander High School, Texas.
My wife, Miki (retired Volunteer Manager at the Aquarium), is a Special Education IA at Cedar Park Middle School.
Favorite vacation spot - Alaska!
Richardson Jr HS (When HS and Jr were in the same bldg)
What one piece of advice would you give today's graduates?
Learn how to read, learn how to write with a pen, and learn how to do math without a calculator.
Pay attention to current events, and get involved in your community.
What is your view of the future now versus your view in 1969?
In 1969, I hoped our generation would leave the world better than we found it.
So disappointed in what I see. Well, we're not dead yet and we can still effect positive change. Lot's of work to do for all of us!