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The Message Forum is an ongoing dialogue among classmates. The goal is to encourage friendly interaction, including interaction among classmates who really didn't know each other. Experience on the site has revealed that certain topics tend to cause friction and hard feelings, especially politics and religion. 

Although politics and religion are not completely off-limits, classmates are asked to be positive in their posts and not to be too repetitive or allow a dialog to degenerate into an argument. 

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10/30/13 09:50 AM #12    

Phil Fielder

After two months back here at RHS and walking the halls again things have not changed that much since 1969. So it has been a great expierence and I have been given the chance to give something back. I invite any all of you to come by and say hello. Just look for the golf cart  or come  by the baseball field.

Everyone have a great day

Phil Fielder

10/30/13 11:16 AM #13    


David Cordell

Hi, Fellow RHS '69ers,

As you probably know, we are going to have a 45-year reunion about a year from now on a date that is dependent on the as-yet-unscheduled homecoming football game. We probably won't know the exact date until the spring, but it will probably be in late September or October.

Meanwhile, it  would be helpful if you would provide feedback about past reunions and suggestions for next year's version as we begin planning.

Please click the "40th Reunion--2009" menu item in the left-hand margin of the page. Then check out "Review--40-year Reunion" and the other menu items. 

  • Is there something that you definitely want us to retain on the schedule next year?
  • Is there something you can do without?
  • Do you prefer a casual "main event" like the 40th, or more of a dress-up, sit-down affair at a somewhat higher price?
  • Do you have a suggestion for a different type of event?
  • Are you willing to volunteer?

You can respond to me personally at or you can leave your comments on the website by clicking on the "Message Forum" menu item at the top of the page.


David Cordell

10/30/13 12:33 PM #14    


Bruce Anderson

To David Cordell:  One thing that we definitely need to do is for everyone to get started on getting people to get signed back up on this very nice web site.

10/30/13 01:02 PM #15    


Bruce Anderson

To Ken Briegel:


Hi Ken:  I live in Texas still but west of Fort Worth.  I have been up in your area a few times closing banks in St. Charles and Batavia, West Chicago and visited a co-worker who is working and living in Dallas right now, but resides in Elgin.  I was up there for the practice round of the Ryder Cup this last year.



10/30/13 02:57 PM #16    


Marsha Brown (Johnson)

David, I was only able to attend the Saturday evening affair at the Fox and Hound. I'm so glad it was as much smoke-free as we could get it. I really enjoyed seeing our fellow classmates!!!! It was so much fun. I like to stay at the more casual end because it is less expensive and in this day and age, I'm sure not a lot want to really have to  'get fancy' to cover the increasing amount of bumps, lumps, and wrinkles!  We're all in the same boat-just some more than others. Anyway, I had a really good time helping out decorating, etc and I also really enjoyed our fallen Eagle Memoriam. That was so touching and now I can add my sweet friend Patti to that list. I would like to be a part in some way if possible. I will have to keep you posted though as time goes on. I think the game would be fun but one year I was there for the game and a barbecue and  didn't see anyone. If they can seat us in a special place, that would be great. I don't stay up real late and I'm not a drinker, and I don't play golf so while that doesn't appeal to me, but I sure do like to visit!!! Thank you for all you do for us!! 

10/30/13 05:50 PM #17    

Bill Coleman

I'm glad the reunion is still a year away, as it will take me that long to plan and complete hitch-hiking from san francisco...  Also, has anybody planned for out-of-towners at a nearby Motel Six?

(Hey back Martha!)


10/31/13 08:31 AM #18    


Russ Stovall

Keep the reunion casual.  Liked that.  Fox and the Hound was good.  Maybe even a large room at a hotel and those that don't want to talk over the music can sit in the lobby and just visit.  Wait on second thought may be the darker room at the Fox and Hound might makes us not look to bad.  David thanks for all you do and thank others that have anyting to do with this great web site.

10/31/13 10:54 AM #19    


Ron Knight

To Ken Briegel, Russ Stovall, David Cordell and so many more:

Ken; I retired and moved to Asheville, NC about a year ago from Richardson.

Russ; I have so many great memories about us playing baseball for RSI and The Eagles!!

David; I am so proud of you as a person with what you had to deal with your family battles. Education wise I am not your equal, nor on the Eagles football team - I wanted to play baseball only. I taught my self to switch hit in grade school as my idol was Mickey Mantle. I prided myself in Centerfield in practice making basket catches ala Willie Mays for the Eagles; Russ, you remember!  David, thanks for all your hard work to keep and bring us all together - I love you for that!

Bubba Bostick; David has kept me updated about Brandon. My nephew, Phillip and my son Kerry, are great friends with Brandon. I moved here to Asheville to be close to Kerry as he lives here. Kerry had a crazy 21st birthday and did a major overdose on drugs. I always put you in my prayers.

There are so many more and I am sorry I can't express how I feel about them;

Phil Dyer, Bob Kirkpatrick & Valerie, Steve Hull, Mike Marks, Bob Brown, Sam Stevens(deceased), Bobby (Robert) Cedarburg, John Evans, Brenda Brown-Dickey, Candy Jones, Jean and Boone Richards and their sister "Randi" Richards,  Bruce Gadd and his older sister (Karen) when they  lived on Winchester, Janet Hambright and her older brother Dee, Randy George and his dad for the baseball "Hawks" coach that won the City Title. Chris Derrington, who played on the "Hawks" with me. Karlan Fairchild who was my catcher before Russ Stovall. Dave and Don Monroe, Bob Kukenbecker, Randy Rogers and again so many more that I can't remeber.

Thank you and I love all you guys.

Ron Knight

60D Webb Cove Road

Asheville, NC 28804

214-810-8193 or cell (not used) 214-347-2450

10/31/13 01:18 PM #20    

Don Chester


Hey David,

Thanks for doing all this.

Looking at the responses and trying to remember names is not so easy, could have been my brain was fried in my training at Parkland so many years ago. 

Any way its noble service you are doing.

I hope everyone is well.

I have no preference as to reuinion events, as you recall I was recovering from surgery at the 40 year mark.  Perhaps the vicissitudes of life will  be kind and allow me to attend the next function

Thanks again

10/31/13 09:06 PM #21    


David Grant

I will be glad to help with the planning and execution of the 45th Reunion so just let me know when the planning meetings begin.

11/04/13 03:11 PM #22    


Russ Stovall

Has anyone out there used this fairly new diet pill that also gets rid of bad cholesterol and promote the good cholesterol.  Its called Carcinia Cambogia , misspelled I am sure?  Comes from a Cambogia plant in Southeast Asia.  Not only is it suppose to help you loose weight but has nutritional values as well. 

11/04/13 08:16 PM #23    


Marsha Brown (Johnson)

No Russ I haven't but the word sounds scary to me!!! Anything that starts with a "C" brings a little fear to me as I've been dealing with that ugly word for quite awhile now.  Good luck on it.

11/04/13 09:23 PM #24    


Jim Richmond

Anybody know the whereabouts of Pat Pritchett from the 67 class? Anyone have any friends from that class that might know?

11/05/13 08:55 AM #25    


Mark Mauldin


Have not heard about that diet pill. Would be interested in it though........


Outstanding job as usual on this site. Everything you involve yourself in always was and is, first class. We all appreciate you so much.

I agree on casual. Fox and Hound was good. I'm sure there are other places too, if we all think about it.

Ron Knight,

Good to hear from you.

Bruce Anderson,

Whazzz up Mr Man?


11/05/13 09:58 AM #26    


Karin Ridenour (Anderson)

@ Russ...I'm a massage therapist, artist and Shaklee Distributor and can help you with weight loss and cholesterol issues  with supplements backed by scientific studies and a money back guarantee.  Average weight losss is 1-2 pounds per week.


Karin Michele Anderson  (Karen Ridenour)

11/05/13 11:18 AM #27    

Ken Briegel


I would not take anything called Carcinia!  The good news is that it isn't the "C" word, it's the "G" word, Garcinia.  I've never taken it but I hear it is relatively safe.  I think that you should not use it if you're on any statins or if you're diabetic.

11/05/13 04:40 PM #28    


David Cordell

Let's see. Mixed messages. Three for three forum topics.

First, thanks for the positive feedback on the website. Sandra Spieker Ringo and I are pleased with it, but we welcome comments and suggestions. Be sure to look at all the items in the links in the left margin. I especially like the yearbook in flipbook format and the elementary school class photos.  We could use more elementary school class photos and group photos from high school and earlier, preferably with at least two of our classmates in the photo. Scouts, Little League, dance, music, whatever. 

Second, most feedback I am receiving about the reunion is in favor of a casual event rather than a sit-down dinner. Part of the preference seems to be style (wandering around and talking to different people), and part is inclusiveness, i.e., financial. Some like Fox-and-Hound, and others prefer something with a bit more space. Additional input is welcome, especially if you will actually be attending! I just had a flashback to a place called McCamy Hall, I think, where I had a party in seventh or eighth grade. Anyone remember that place?

Third, Russ et al, I wouldn't mind losing 5 or 10 pounds, and I am taking a small dose of pravastatin for cholesterol, although my cholesterol wasn't too bad. Not too much to complain about when I consider how many of our classmates have passed away and how many have had serious heart, cancer, and other issues.

I shudder to think how much our class will chew up in health care costs in the next 44 years. That's right. 44! That's how many years have passed since high school, so I figure I must have at least that many ahead of me. And don't argue with the logic!

11/05/13 04:56 PM #29    


Marsha Brown (Johnson)

David, you are so sweet and kind but I don't want to live another 44 years!!!!!!  I'd be 106 years old!!!! Heaven forbid!!! Anyway, just had to poke back a little at you.  If I'm healthy enough, I'd like to help so let me know when the planning begins!!!

11/12/13 07:31 PM #30    

Bob Brown

Russ, that stuff is legal in Colorado now. My vote is casual but need room to mill about, Fox and Hound worked for me. Nice to see people using the new site, such an upgade. Thinking of you all (yall) and let me know if I can help from colorado. Bob Brown

11/13/13 08:53 AM #31    


Mark Mauldin

I'll take another 44. Count me in.

Fox and Hound works for me. Any place works for me though. I'm easy



11/13/13 09:45 AM #32    

Phil Fielder

Russ and David,

I lost 40--45 lbs in 6 months using Premiere Protein Shakes. Feel free to call me
for details.

Phil Fielder

11/13/13 10:42 AM #33    

Debbie Mabry

I like the idea of a casual place as well.  Just hoping someone remembers me!  David, thank you for your work.  

If I can help from San Antonio, please let me know.  

11/13/13 11:02 AM #34    

John Bostick

Jan,  Frank Cowan passed away afew years ago.  Sorry to tell you, but I hope you are good.  Bubba

11/13/13 10:55 PM #35    

Sherri McCormick


I love what you wrote about Cathy Crosby Cowan. 

I was a Parkland nurse at the same time she was, and we occasionally had lunch together. She worked in Pediatrics and I in Obstetrics.  I never saw that girl without a huge smile on her face.  She was a Light in every sense of the word.  I well remember the morning I came to work and found many of my co-workers in tears and shock.  They had just heard that she had died.  Many of them had gone to nursing school with her. 

When I read Phil Fielders posting today that Frank had died a few years ago, I thought, "He has joined his dear Cathy."  God bless them.

On a lighter note, I hope you will attend the 45th.  Any plans for that?  Since we never got together when I lived in Colorado, maybe we can get together here in Dallas.  I hope all is well with you.


11/18/13 11:26 PM #36    


Karin Ridenour (Anderson)

I just saw this article from the Daily Kos about a speaker at RHS recently that is very insulting to the reputation of the school.  Thought everyone should see it.

Sat Nov 16, 2013 at 10:14 AM PST

Richardson High School student has a message for Justin Lookadoo: Step Off!

by SteveningenFollow

On Wednesday, I wrote about Christian motivational speaker, Justin Lookadoo, and the swift backlash he created at Richardson High School in Texas in response to the deeply offensive misogynistic "advice" he promotes.

Just to recap, Lookadoo goes from school to school, giving presentations on the proper way for young women and men to behave if they ever hope to land a date. Such gems of wisdom as "dateable girls know how to shut up" and “men of God are wild, not domesticated” can be found at his website R. U. Dateable and are incorporated into his lectures to auditoriums full of young people.

Well, last Wednesday, Lookadoo picked the wrong school to mess with. Richardson High School located in Richardson Texas is a magnet school offering educational focus in "fine arts, culinary arts, theatre, communications, robotics, law, health science and science, and award-winning mock trial and debate teams."

In the 2012 U.S. News & World Report rankings of the Best Schools in America, Richardson High School ranked number 711 out of 21,766 public high schools, putting it in the top 3.5% of all public high schools in the United States. RHS was also rated the 65th best in the state of Texas.
Even before he spoke, there was push back, causing the school to first cancel and then reinstate his presentation. When he proceeded to get up in front of these young adults and spout his nonsense, the students of Richardson High took matters into their own hands and, using social media, expressed their outrage. Within hours, the hashtag #lookadouche had spread like wildfire, grabbing the attention of local news and garnering notice well beyond Texas.

Rather than die down, the uproar has gained fierce traction. Yesterday, the Huffington Post posted an article penned by Rev. Dr. Jaime Clark-Soles, theology professor at Southern Methodist University in Dallas and an outraged mother. It is a must-read.

Another article written by one of the young women who attended Wednesday's lecture appeared at Texas Freedom Network's website yesterday. The article by Richardson High School student Taylor Allen is a blistering thing of beauty. I immediately wrote to Dan Quinn, editor of TFN seeking permission to post the letter at Daily Kos in full. His response was quick and enthusiastic. He contacted the young woman's mother and with in an hour she had written me personally granting both her and her daughter's permission to post her message in full under her name.

Take a marvel at this:

As a female student at Richardson High School, I was shocked and appalled by the misogynistic tirade I was subjected to at an assembly on the morning of November 13, 2013. Guest speaker, Justin Lookadoo, spoke to not one, but two packed auditoriums full of students, claiming the topic to be “Responsible Choices in Teen Dating.” He opened up with a “women can’t drive” joke, and while I expected to take a mature, serious turn from there, it did not. Girls were called “the most horrible, awful, and vindictive creatures this planet has ever seen,” and were pitted against one another, told that if they stood out and were themselves in any way, that other girls (and ONLY girls) were going to “stop at nothing to tear you down.” Girls weren’t the only ones who were targeted. Boys were told that “it’s not OK to be a nerd or someone who plays video games all the time. You guys are pathetic losers and silly dorks” and that feminism had made them “pansies.” How can a school as diverse as RHS pay such a bully to talk to their students and call it “motivation”?

There were plenty of warning signs that this gentleman was not an appropriate guest to invite to ANY high school, especially not Richardson, whose student body prides itself on its inclusiveness and diversity towards all students. His “R u dateable” quiz, and the rules attached to it, accessible from a simple Google search of his name, include such viciously gendered stereotypes as “God made men leaders,” “a dateable girl isn’t Miss Independent,” and the now-infamous “dateable girls know how to shut up.” His website also makes clear his opinions are rooted in his personal religious beliefs. While I fully appreciate and respect his ability and right to live by his own beliefs and wish for him to happily live by his own personal ideals of right and wrong, further digging reveals he does not seem to hold such a belief for myself, and other LGBT*Q people. He has been associated with the infamous “conversion therapy” group, Exodus International (as can be found here: ) which has been condemned by the American Psychological Association. Even Exodus’ own president has shut down the organization and apologized for the “pain and hurt” it has caused. Is somebody associated with such a harmful group welcome in RHS’s famously tolerant environment? Does RHS approve of this man calling young men who respect women the derogatory term for homosexuals, “pansy”?

Regardless, the warning signs of his character and his behavior at the assemblies were ignored and excused three times. First when he was invited to speak, secondly when the cancellation of his presentation was overruled by the school at the last minute, and thirdly when he was allowed to repeat his sexist manifesto to a second group of students, this time more so. The action taken was too little, too late. Apologies were made via impersonal robocall to parents, as well as a letter to parents from an unapologetic PTA President and our misinformed Principal who was out of town on a family emergency during the whole debacle. Specifically, he stated that “As agreed, [Mr. Lookadoo] did not discuss [religion or the 'Rules of Dating'] during either presentation,” while it has been confirmed to me by several firsthand accounts that in his second rant, he specifically discussed both topics. I, personally, have yet to hear anything in the vein of an apology, nor have my fellow students. My mother was not made to sit and listen to a misogynist tell her that she was a “horrible, awful, and vindictive creature,” I was. A full and proper apology would be very much appreciated by both myself and my fellow students.

I applaud RHS students’ creative, if a touch crude, response to his sexism. This can be used as a learning experience to show students that opinions differ and can often be harmful to certain groups, in this case, women. Those who discussed his rant on social media were demonstrating an admirable sense of individualism and commitment to their personal morality. The outcry in response to this man’s bigotry has made me even more proud to be an RHS student.

I sincerely hope that Richardson High School and its PTA will consider more carefully its selection of guests in the future and will thoroughly ensure that there are no massive red flags indicating that future speakers are a danger to the student body’s collective psyche. I also hope that a system will be put in place to intervene, should a speaker demonstrate his incapability do demonstrate compassion towards all students.

I give Taylor Allen a standing ovation for articulating so skillfully what needed to be said in response to such a virulent display of crass ignorance by Lookadoo. For those of you who tend to stereotype the people of Texas as backwards and hopeless right wing extremists, this should dispel that notion and then some.

MoveOn has started a petition to call on public schools in the State of Texas to boycott Justin Lookadoo.

Controversial "motivational" speaker Justin Lookado markets assemblies to public schools that include offensive gender stereotypes (dateable girls "know when to shut up," and datable guys are "real men" who are "stronger and more dangerous" than girls) and are grounded in conservative religious dogma. As concerned parents and citizens, we call on public schools across Texas to "JUST SAY NO" to Lookadoo's programs.
I urge you all to sign the petition here.

High school can be a socially difficult time for our young women and men going about getting their education. They do not need to be lectured to by some idiot spewing fundamentalist patriarchal nonsense. The students at Richardson High School took a stand and I stand with them.

Update: I just returned to my computer and found this important clarification from Taylor in my inbox:

Good afternoon, sir.

Firstly, I cannot thank you enough for the article you chose to write about my letter regarding the Lookadoo incident. I noticed that in the comment section that you were under the impression that the assembly was mandatory, or functionally so. It was originally going to be mandatory, but it was made optional after it was reinstated the morning beforehand. Students were allowed to either attend the assembly, or go to the Eagle's Nest (a small cafeteria) for an hour. Had the assembly been mandatory, I doubt my letter would have received the TFN or your attention, over the angry letters of the many brilliant and articulate feminists at my Richardson High School who chose not to attend.

Thank you, once again, for the very high praise. I did not expect this, and I cannot thank you enough for your kind words.

Taylor Brandyn Allen

Thank you, Taylor.


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