Randall Gwenyth Jones Lotridge was promoted to be with her Lord Jesus Christ on Wednesday, January 24, 2018. Randy was born December 8, 1951 in Dallas, Texas, the oldest daughter of William “Bill” Jesse Jones and Margaret “Peggy” Jane Maplesden Jones. Her father, Bill, and her youngest sister, Hillary Allison Jones Hansen, preceded her in death.
Randy is survived by her husband of 43 years, Robert D Lotridge, Jr., her daughter Jessica and her son-in-law Steve Beaulieu of Altus, Oklahoma, as well as her mother, Peggy Jones, sister, Kevyn Colleen Jones Robertson and her husband Rick Robertson of McKinney, Texas, brother-in-law, Steve Hansen of Austin, Texas, numerous nephews, nieces, and cousins. Randy was an important member of the Lotridge family and is survived by her mother-in-law, Dorotha Lorene Lotridge of Tulsa Oklahoma, brother-in-law Stan Lotridge, his wife Barbara, and daughter Chandler of Plano, Texas, and her sister-in-law Joanna Pickard and her husband Tom of Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Randy’s family are long time residents of Richardson, and Randy graduated from Richardson High School in 1969. She was active in many school activities, including the Golden Eagle Band, National Honor Society, Annual Staff, Junior Classical League, GSL, and more. She was a very proud University of Texas alumna, graduating in 1973. Randy was member of Alpha XI Delta Sorority, serving as president her senior year, and was their national Quackenbush Award Recipient in 1973. She enjoyed her time in UT spirit and service organizations: Spooks, Goodfellows, and Orange Jackets. She was the Commander of Cordettes, an ROTC affiliate, and many other campus leadership and service activities. Randy earned her Bachelor of Arts degree with a double major in English and History as well as a minor in Latin.
Randy and Bob have lived in the Houston area for many years. She had the pleasure of teaching Latin and History in the Spring Branch, Humble, and Conroe school districts. She was the ultimate Odyssey of The Mind Coach and had several state finalists. Her involvement as sponsor of the Oak Ridge High School Interact Club and Liberty Bell Drill Team booster club integrated with her duties teaching Latin as she supported her daughter and her friends through their high school years. Randy and Bob are long time members of Berachah Church in Houston, Texas.
Since Jessica graduated from High School, Randy enjoyed helping her husband Bob in his business and sharing Jessica’s adventures at the United States Air Force Academy, medical school, residency, and her various assignments around the country and world as a physician for the Air Force. Randy was especially happy when Jessica married Steve Beaulieu in 2014. This brought her much happiness that was a part of every day of her life.
Randy was and still is our inspiration, our moral force, and spiritual warrior. Her determination and love for her family will be a part of us forever. No one could ever have had a more loving, loyal, and unselfish wife or mother. She lived for her husband and daughter. Her faith in the Lord Jesus Christ was so strong that it gave us great confidence. She was unshakable in her faith and her unselfish love. That is her amazing legacy for us to carry always in our hearts and souls. We can’t wait to be reunited with her in Heaven.
A celebration of Randy’s life will be held at Restland Memorial Chapel on March 3, 2018 at 2:30pm. Restland is located at 13005 Greenville Ave, Dallas TX 75243.
A reception at Zion Lutheran Church will immediately follow. Zion Lutheran is located at 6121 E Lovers Lane, Dallas, TX 75214, and is where Randy and her sisters attended elementary school.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests consideration of a contribution to R.B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Ministries, Alpha Xi Delta Building Corporation (2508 Rio Grande, Austin, TX 78705), or the American Heart Association.
Bob Lotridge
The following is from Kevyn Jones Robertson, RHS Class of 1971, Randy’s sister:
David Cordell
Randy was friendly and kind with a warm and infectious smile. Our families were good friends for many years, and her parents (Peggy and Bill) visited my mother and me after my father died. Peggy is still living at age 92, and she still quite sharp. She had already lost one of her three daughters, Hillary, and Randy's passing must have been a very difficult blow. My sincerest condolencesgo to husband/classmate Bob Lotridge, mother Peggy Jones, and sister Kevyn Jones Robertson.
Hollis Carolyn Heyn
Bob, I knew Randy when Kevyn (aka Casey) and I were attending kindergarten at the Lamplighter School. I had occasion to spend time at the Jones home as a little kid to play with all three girls. I remember that although Randy was ahead of Kevyn and me by two years, she treated us really well and included us in play. Same treatment of Hillary (aka Hodie). I bet that same sweetness and kindness were characteristics throughout her life. Condolences to you and Kevyn and Peggy.
Steve Keene
Randy was one of the original Punography Limited hostesses and is listed on the Punography Ltd website as such. We thought she was wonderful, and we knew how to pick em. She was so athletic and outgoing that she made everyone feel good when you were around her. Bob, we are sorry for your loss and you and your family have our prayers.