In Memoriam

John Evans

Classmate John Evans passed away March 13, 2023. John had suffered from stage 4 cancer for some time.

John moved to Richardson from California before his 9th grade year and was outstanding in track and football.

John is survived by his sister Georgia, a renowned wildlife photographer, his three daughters, Katy, Amanda, and Jenny, and former wife Nichole Flanders, sister to Valerie (Flanders) Kirkpatrick,.


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03/18/23 11:17 AM #1    

David Cordell

John and I both started at "Belt Line" before ninth grade. We competed against each other for the same position in football, sometimes in the game at the same time. As a running back he was very fast and very quick. We also competed in track. We hung around each other a good bit in ninth and tenth grades. It is a shame that injuries cut short his sports career.

03/19/23 04:14 PM #2    

Russ Stovall

John was genuinely one of the really nice guys.  I enjoyed hanging around with him. Very good athlete and very fast.  If my memory serves me right John and David Cordell were the fastest guys in town.   I had to run a race against them both at a track meet. Gun went off I looked up as I came out of the blocks and all I see is their back sides immediately.   RIP John Evans   

03/20/23 01:31 PM #3    

Bobby Cederberg

John was my roomate in college and was a groomsman in my wedding.  We had some fun times together over the years.  I will miss him.

Bob Cederberg

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