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10/01/20 01:20 PM #19075    


David Cordell

Ha! Apparently Chris Wallace asked the white supremacy question in the 2016 Republican debates and got a firm denunciation. Trump added, "You're the eighteenth person to ask me that question."

This is a clear effort by the left-leaning press to tag Trump with racism. Biden doesn' t want to touch the effect of Trump's pre-COVID policies. All he's has are contentions  that 1) Trump has mishandled COVID, and 2) Trump is a bad person. But I think Trump will get 20-25% of the black vote because they know the positives he has done for black people.

10/01/20 03:38 PM #19076    


Janalu Jeanes (Parchman)


Happy Anniversary and hope your eye continues to improve!



Happy Birthday and hope your bonespurs dissolve!  

10/01/20 04:00 PM #19077    


Janalu Jeanes (Parchman)

With the numerous reports already of ballot harvesting and ballots being thrown in the garbage or mishandled by some untrustworthy postal workers who are nefariously finagling them, (bad apples are in every profession) with ballots and included envelopes arriving having improper names written on the final envelope, confusing many elderly who attempt to scratch out the wrong name & re-sign it, and with two ballots per person being delivered in one city, I think we can all see now why the Dems were SO hellbent on having ballots mailed out, willy-nilly, according to ancient voter rolls that haven't been updated in years.  They KNEW this was a way to royally screw up the election, having the results going to the courts for final determination.  Evidently they figured their chances of winning were better in the judicial system, thinking the Republicans are guilty of cheating them out of the last election, which they still say was illegitimate.

I don't believe it was the virus that made Democrats decide that the mailings were a good idea, but they used the pandemic as a convenient excuse to hatch the current scheme. Anyone with a health problem could have requested a ballot be mailed to them, so there was no need to send out millions of ballots not requested.  We saw all of this brewing in July and surprise now at this point.

10/01/20 04:51 PM #19078    


David Cordell


Agreed. As Rahm Emanuel said, "Don't let a crisis go to waste." Trump would be kicking ass if it weren't for COVID-19. Now, Pelosi is holding up an economic package compromise by making her version ridiculously large and including stuff like free medical care for illegal aliens.

Today, I have vacillated from thinking that Trump would win big, to thinking that the Democrats will sweep, get rid of the filibuster, add two Democrat dominated states, and open the borders.

10/01/20 05:42 PM #19079    


Janalu Jeanes (Parchman)

Oh my gosh!  When I think of what will happen to these United States if the Democrats win, I shudder with fear!

Not only will they pack the Supreme Court, but they will throw open our borders allowing incredible hoards of peasants (not ALL are peasants, so don't squawk at me!) with untold diseases and many more Covid patients, huge, huge tax increases, numerous restrictions on our once-upon-a-time choices or elimination of choices, forced healthcare that will give us Medicaid-type care in place of the care we used to have, no Christmas displays even on the grounds of churches, or crosses erected in areas of veterans honored, probably no Bibles allowed in motels or hotels, and no prayers allowed in military gatherings of homesick men, buildings being reconstructed to comply with the new green deal ideas, along with our houses too, abortion clinics nextdoor to high schools, etc., etc, and we will become a one-party nation once and for all, most likely, because Republicans will never be able to gain any power again.  We will be outnumbered, which has been the Dems goal for a long time now.

We will go broke and our nation will greatly diminish, as is predicted, immitating the Roman Empire's fall.

10/01/20 06:45 PM #19080    


Hollis Carolyn Heyn

Janalu: If a hotel chain opts not to place Bibles in rooms, no one will stop you from carrying your own into the building. Any church and any citizen may display Christian religious symbols. You may worship where you choose and teach your children as you see fit. As a Democrat I have no desire for abortion clinics next to high schools btw.

10/01/20 09:19 PM #19081    


Janalu Jeanes (Parchman)


I have no quarrel with you, & I think you are much more reasonable than the ordinary Democrat of today.  I value your opinion.  But I know that this "new style" reformed Democrat Party coming down the track is probably not the Democrat Party with which you identify.  I suspect you are more of the older style Democrat mindset, perhaps in a style similar to your parents, if indeed they were Democrats.  That's the style of Democrat I didn't mind coexisting with in past years.  They were reasonable people, I thought.  However, the Democrat Party of today is much, much further to the left in their beliefs, and they adhere to much of what the radical guy, Saul Alinsky, spoke of; the guy Hillary Clinton wrote her thesis about, who was a fan of the Cloward-Piven way of believing/living.  It is a mindset I don't favor at all, but I am mindful that it has been adopted by the Progressives, who make up the largest portion of the Democrat Party, the part of the Party Pelosi identifies with, and the part of the Party I call radical Socialst/Marxist.  I may be wrong, but that is the way I see it at the moment.

If you view the Party differently, please tell us your opinion.  I, for one, would enjoy hearing what you have to say, and how you hope to see our country travel the long road ahead.

And yes, of course I could travel with my own Bible, but what was a nice custom in American motels of our past many years, was the fact that a fine group of Christian men were able to provide a luxury for any traveller on our country's lanes, to have at any time of day or night, just as a nice gesture of American's caring, loving spirit; an offering of help, and a comfort to anyone, of not being alone in the world.


10/01/20 09:34 PM #19082    


Hollis Carolyn Heyn

Janalu: Here's what I think: Biden, Clinton, Warren, whom my late Republican
Uncle Jack admired for her banking reform legislative ideas (this was my uncle who was an insurance lobbyist in DC and a friend of Kay Bailey H),and probably all the Democrats vying for the nomination with Biden,

10/01/20 09:45 PM #19083    


Hollis Carolyn Heyn

even to some extent Bernie,are more moderate than how the sources you read portray them.And you,I,and others would benefit from adopting an attitude of openness and respect that would allow for bipartisan compromise, something the Tea Party folk who dominate the Republican party rejected starting back with N Gingrich.

And most important is Democratic Party politicians want the votes of moderate, reasonalble people.  This reasonable person, however, recognizes the status quo won't work.  We must address the challenges of climate change and improving public education so the children in North St. Louis have much the same facilities, opportunities, and quality teachers that one finds in Ladue or Clayton, the wealthy St. Louis County schools. Good schools would revitalize neighborhoods with young people staying to raise their children.  

10/01/20 10:48 PM #19084    


Steve Keene


Open your eyes.  They are already firing teachers for carrying a Bible to class.

10/01/20 11:11 PM #19085    


Janalu Jeanes (Parchman)


That was very interesting info about your Republican uncle, a friend of Kay Bailey Hutchison.  Kay was very friendly to everyone, including Hillary Clinton, who was one of the ladies who gave Kay a baby shower, before she became a Mom, at a later time of life than most ladies.  Kay was gregarious and lovely, and had many friends in DC.

I've heard that what Sen. Warren brought to the banking industry were some good ideas, many of which were embraced by the banking community.  I remember seeing her one night on "60 Minutes," when she was shown figuring her numbers, as she was shown, I believe, in her Harvard office, getting ready for one of her classes. I think she has a lot to offer with her knowledge of her subject, but her philosophy for what the US needs for its future, is in line a great deal with Bernie's philosophy.  Bernie was considered for many years to be the Senate's one Communist member, accomplishing little, and for years, was considered to be a nice guy, but extreme.  He's been in the Senate for many years, but only recently, has been considered a person of focus, mainly because of the very young college graduates who are enamored with his extremist/Socialist beliefs.  I don't believe he appeals to mainstream America, because mainstream America is much more conservative then he is.  This again, is my observation, so I may be wrong,  I'm open to others opinions.

As for education, I agree that every American child should have access to the best we have to offer.  As I understand it, school districts are funded by their tax base, property tax base in most communities, and just exactly how those tax bases can furnish each classroom as equally as possible, is a dilemma that is ongoing.  We have tried the "Robin Hood solution" in Texas for many years, but I believe that method has been eliminated, as it didn't produce the desired results. (I'm not sure why, but would like to know. I guess it became too costly to the districts who were having to foot the bill, so-to-speak)  The hiring of the most capable teachers is also a problem which has to do very often with the amount of pay offered the teachers.  It is another ongoing problem to tackle, especially when a district wants to attract the more experienced teachers, hoping they will consider their campuses.  There are many good, capable and willing teachers graduating our colleges, but just exactly how a school district can attract those teachers, is a challenge for them to figure out, I think.  What attracted you to your first teaching job?

There are some very altruistic teachers who want to teach so fervently, they will take a postion just about anywhere the position is offered, no matter what the salary is.

As for bipartisan compromise, I'm all for it, just as you are.  Have you seen any of it lately in our Congress?  I don't think they remember how it is done.  I looked online for a time period when bipartisanship happened in US history, and one of the best periods for that cooperation of the parties was noted during Reagan's 98th Congress, when Reagan and Tip O'Neil were able to produce some good legislation together, as they lead with reasonable, blended ideas. 

Openness and respect?  I think that would be great!  But I remember when Obamacare was being constructed and the Republicans wondered what was going on behind closed door, as if they didn't know.  They were told that they were to stay away, and finally, Pelosi came out to announce an enormous package of what they had written, which she said would have to be passed to find out what it contained.  And then recently, Pelosi and Trump are supposed to be developing a new deal for those in need of a supplemental pkg. for those suffering with no income caused by the shutdown, but Pelosi has no respect for Trump, actually detests him, refusing to be around him.....and then additionally she wants to include in the bargain, her wishlist of items not related to Covid problems, so she doesn't seem to be 'open' to compromise for weeks on end now.  She doesn't display openness or respect at the moment, but I know also, that Republicans can be subborn & uncooperative also, at times.  How do we encourage more openness and respect?  That's a tough one!  I think Congress members should be more aware that they are where they are because of the constituents who sent them, and they should think of that fact everyday, instead of thinking about what they usually think about... themselves, mostly, and ways to rise to new positions above where they are.

The Tea Party?  Are they still around?  I think they have become extinct.....

Climate change?  I'm willing to help out, just as I suspect you are.  But are you willing to give huge amounts of money to China and India to straighten out their off-put into our atmosphere, because that is what they want us to do.  They want the US to give them gigantic amounts of money to "fix" their problems, since they are not willing to spend their own money to do the job.  That is why Trump pulled out of the Paris Accords.  He didn't think it was in the best interest of American investments to bail out the two biggest offenders, mainly because it would have cost ENORMOUS amounts of money for us to do, while the Communists of China spent their money on building up their armies, navies, and air force military, to attack us, their enemy, as they seemingly VIEW us currently.  It's another problem of income redistribution, or the redistribution of America citizen's income being divvied up for others who feel they have a claim to what we have earned.  What is that?  Isn't that a colossal misunderstanding on their part?

Please respond, Hollis!  As I said, I value your input!  You are a lady of a wonderful university of higher learning, and a respected scholar.

10/02/20 07:34 AM #19086    


Hollis Carolyn Heyn

Janalu: Have to say I appreciate your earnestness and interest in us engaging here further. I'm not a scholar at all, just an essay assigning machine, a role requiring helping students through the topic choice to focus sharpening of thesis statement to draft to polished product ready for grading. Tedious and time consuming given I have four

10/02/20 07:57 AM #19087    


Hollis Carolyn Heyn

classes of 20 to 22 students each. So I haven't read as deeply and widely like Royce would. I'm not prepared to comment as deeply as you want and deserve, Janalu. And after five years here reading all the back and forth, around the barn and down the pothole laden roads, to what end?

10/02/20 03:17 PM #19088    


Bob Davidson

One of my feeling like a particularly cranky oldster:

Last night I went to Kroger.  They had something I like at a decent sale price -- "with online coupon" -- and I shook my head and passed the item by.  I hate fishing out my stupid phone, pulling up their stupid ap, squinting at stupid tiny print, finding the right stupid coupon, and then having it ready for the clerk to hit with the scanner gun.  It's like going out to eat and having the waiter hand me one of those squiggly little squares so I can bring up his menu on my phone -- how in the world are they doing me a favor by making me work to buy the food they are selling?

I also saw all of the happily masked young adults happily working their phones, which they do all the time anyway, happily finding their online coupons, and feeling like life is good when they are happily playing with their toys. 

To me the phone is mostly a necessary annoyance that I can use to make phone calls, send instant messages, check emails, get directions, take pictures, and look up information.  I do not get joy out of it.  I hate the way I'm always accessable and expected to reply immediately. 

10/02/20 05:30 PM #19089    


David Cordell

I hear ya, Bob. I don't like using my phone as a menu. You just wish you had brought a tablet.

I must say that I like saving a bit here and there, and sometimes I obsess.

I don't like it when students think I should watch my email and respond to a question they sent on Sunday at 10 PM, asking me to answer a question about an assignment that is due at midnight.

Hollis is a nicer professor than I am. She probably gives all her students a key to her home.

10/02/20 07:30 PM #19090    


David Cordell

Sent to me a seldom-poster:

November 14, 1965

    You’re a 19 year old kid. You are critically wounded and dying in the jungle somewhere in the Central Highlands of Viet Nam.   It’s November 14, 1965 . LZ (landing zone) X-ray.  Your unit is outnumbered 8-1 and the enemy fire is so intense from 100 yards away that your CO (commanding officer) has ordered the MedEvac helicopters to stop coming in.   You’re lying there, listening to the enemy machine guns and you know you’re not getting out.

Your family is half way around the world, 12,000 miles away, and you’ll never see them again. As the world starts to fade in and out, you know this is the day.   Then - over the machine gun noise - you faintly hear that sound of a helicopter.   You look up to see a Huey coming in.  But,..It doesn’t seem real because no MedEvac markings are on it.  

Captain Ed Freeman is coming in for you.  He’s not MedEvac so it’s not his job, but he heard the radio call and decided he’s flying his Huey down into the machine gun fire anyway.  Even after the MedEvacs were ordered not to come. He’s coming anyway.

And he drops it in and sits there in the machine gun fire, as they load 3 of you at a time on board.   Then he flies you up and out through the gunfire to the doctors and nurses and safety.  And, he kept coming back!! Thirteen more times!! Until all the wounded were out.    No one knew until the mission was over that the Captain had been hit 4 times in the legs and left arm.   He took 29 of you and your buddies out that day. Some would not have made it without the Captain and his Huey.  

Medal of Honor Recipient, Captain Ed Freeman, United States Army, died at the age of 81, in Boise, Idaho.   I bet you didn’t hear about this hero’s passing.   Media too busy showing all the friendly protests!  

Medal of Honor Winner Captain Ed Freeman.   Rest in Peace. 

10/02/20 11:27 PM #19091    


Hollis Carolyn Heyn

David: First email at 7am today was from a guy who doesn't like my grading policy for online Discussion boards. Asked me if my not allowing any grade above 85 for a post submitted the last day was ethical? Copied and pasted that policy's rationale from the assignment sheet and ignored his question about my ethics or lack thereof.

10/02/20 11:35 PM #19092    


Hollis Carolyn Heyn

Last day post is frequently hasty and doesn't show a sustained examination of details and evidence. Research is in steps over, in this case, eight days. No attitude from me. Just straightforward explanation in case he was hoping to make me angry or defensive. Guy is not a young un but recently retired from the military.

10/03/20 07:58 AM #19093    


Wayne Gary

David, Bob

I understand you feelings.  I have a company supplied "Dumb Phone" (I refuse to call them a smart phone because they are dumbing America down) I use it for phone calls and text messages and an occasional picture.

Several years ago a major medical school did a servey of ER rooms and found the number one cause of injuries resulting in and ER visit were caused by walking and messing with their phone.

Two very good examples happened in Dallas

1: Dallas police oficer Amber Geiger left work and started texting and talking to her boyfriend all of the way home where she drove to the wrong parking level then went to the wrong apaartment on the wrong floor and ended up shooting and killing Botham Jean.  I flying we call this because of her messing with her phone she lost positional awareness (She got lost)

2: Two weeks after Amber Geiger was convicted am off duty Dallas Police Office at 1;30pm (middle of bright sunny day) while messing with his phone in downtown Dallas stepped in front of a DART train and was run over and luckey to only receive minor injuries.

10/03/20 10:21 AM #19094    


Wayne Gary

Bob, David

I may have put this on the site before.

Several years ago the Texas A&M engineering college went to the math department and had them prepair a math evaluation test for all incomming freshmen in engineering to see what level of math skills they have.  About 75% if the kids passed the evluation but a lot of them were struggling with the math classes.  The asked if the kids were allowed to have phones and the answer was yes.  The engineering college said don't let them have the phones as there were apps with the answers. The first year the kids were not allowed to have their phones 50% did not pass and had to start in remedial math classes to get them up to speed. Thus is one reason I call them "Dumb Phones"


10/04/20 10:41 PM #19095    


David Cordell

This is the hallway that my classroom is on. I took this photo at 2:20 PM on Wednesday, between my class that ends at 2:15, and the one that starts at 2:30.

10/05/20 10:10 AM #19096    


Bob Davidson

Last night we went to our favorite neighborhood Mexican restaurant, Teotihuican on Airline.  I love the place and go there about once a week.  There was one of those menu squares on the table, and the waitress brought us a menu, which hasn't happened since they reopened after the Chinese virus shutdown.  We don't need a menu since we know what we like, but it was nice.  Terry said she thought we got the menus because we are old.

When I thanked the waitress for the menu, she said that the manager told them that one of the biggest complaints they get is from people who hate looking at the menu on their phones.  She said that the only ones who like doing the little squares are "bolillo hipsters" or "eepstehrz."   She didn't seem to say that as a term of endearment. 

Incidentally, the clientelle is about 70% Mexican-American and Spanish is the usual language; the staff 100%.  I usually speak Spanish to the ones who seem uncomfortable in English -- my favorite waiter likes to make jokes about my favorite order -- the Tejano -- "un orden del Tejano por el Tejano." 

"Bolillo" is Mexican-American slang for Anglo-Americans -- it literally means the whitebread rolls they use for tortas.  

My secretary is a third-generation Texan of Mexican ancestry; she was unfamiliar with the term "Anglo" for white people.  Our non-hispanic Boy Scouts are afraid to use the word "Mexican" -- they always say "Hispanic" -- like "we went out to Ninfas and had Hispanic food last night." They think it's racist -- their parents often say "Latinix" which sounds like mispronouncing paint.  The Hispanic kids call themselves Mexican or Mexican-American or puro mexicano with pride except for the Cubans. 



10/05/20 01:12 PM #19097    


Janalu Jeanes (Parchman)


That's quite an interesting little restaurant you have there.  Around here, people will ask, "Do you want to have Tex-Mex tonight for dinner?"

10/05/20 03:17 PM #19098    


Janalu Jeanes (Parchman)

I was just reading online about how "60 Minutes" aired an interview on their Australian TV program this past weekend, that contained an interview with Tara Reade, the lady Biden sexually assaulted back in the late '80s, but that CBS decided NOT to 'air' in the US, just wks. before our election.

Why did CBS think Australia would want to learn of this lady's accusations, but that we, here, did not need to hear of it?

Talk about jounalistic integrity or impartiality in reporting!?


I was also reading about how Mark Kelly, the former astronaut, running as a Democrat against Republican Martha McSally in Arizona, is NOT speaking anywhere, as he campaigns, about how he is going to introduce strict gun control legislation once he is in office, if he wins.

Most folks in Arizona have guns, since their area is known to have need for their citizens to have defense weapons for protection on their properties, so Kelly is apparently not being honest about his intentions upon reaching office.  In addition, Sen. Schumer is giving boatloads of money to the Kelly campaign.

I'm shocked!







10/05/20 07:09 PM #19099    


Lowell Tuttle

Janalu, I assume you realize who Mark Kelly is...husband of Gabby Gifford, wounded congresswomen who lead  anti gun legislation, and an astronaut...

There are Republicans in favor of gun legislation.  jfyi

Bob, that area is where my CPA offices.  I was just over there.   Also, my brother in law lives on Euclid in Woodland Heights.  

Lyerly is where her co habitor is. (my CPA)

Quite an eclectic area...

I just broke a 6 month string of no eating out.  Ate on the patio of 3 Amigos on 290 and Fairbanks and at on the porch/patio at Lupe Tortillas here in Champions.

Both Tex-Mex but completely different. 

I had enchilads/taco combo at both.   Also Queso.

Speaking of Queso.  Best in Houston is (IMHO) at Velvet Elvis on Washington...There's coconut in it believe it or not...

I am marinating fajitas at this moment...

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