In Memoriam

Steve Bryant

Band 1, Annual 2, 3, 4, Talon 2, 3, 4, Photographer 1, 2, 3, 4, Deceased 1989

Steve was lost in a scuba diving trip off the coast of Belize. His body was never found, but a monument in his memory is in the Post Oak Cemetery in Corsicana, Texas.

John Stephen Bryant

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11/27/14 09:05 PM #1    

Russ Stovall

Steve was one of my first friends in Richardson .  Great guy.  Had a lot of good Halloweens together.  Funny story.  Steve had to go with his dad for a father and son formal lunch, at his dad's work.   His dad was to say a prayer so he asked Steve to say it.  Now this is in front of all his Dad's bosses.    "Pass the bread, pass the meat excuses Lord it is time to eat. Amen."  Will never forget it.   

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